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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Elected as a Member of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly for the Constituency of Saanich South on May 12, 2009. New Democratic Opposition Critic for the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Raised on Quadra Island and has an undergraduate degree from the University of British Columbia. Extensive track record as a community leader, advocate and environmental activist.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Issues, issues, issues! Boy, do I have issues!

I have started this blog to help keep track of things I am involved in over the next year. I have so many interests that I have to really manage my time and energy wisely.

My current rant is to do with banning disposable, single use, plastic, shopping bags from our CRD. Such a big statement from such a short person you may think. Yes, it may be asking too much, but, you have to start somewhere. Check in and I will tell you about my tour of the Hartland Landfill. I had a CRD employee tell me to educate myself before I pursue this idea. He suggested I tour the landfill. GREAT IDEA! So I am off to tour on Monday.

On Monday morning I will be delivering some examples of biodegradable bags to the Saanich Municipal Hall. These will accompany a letter to Mayor and Council. The letter is as follows:

October 20, 2007

Saanich Municipality
770 Old West Saanich Rd
Victoria, B.C.
V9E 2G8

Dear Mayor and Council of the Municipality Of Saanich,

I am writing to request that the Municipality of Saanich adopt the use of biodegradable bags instead of plastic garbage bags within all municipal buildings and parks.

The switch to biodegradable bags will fit into your new Carbon Neutral Plan. The use of biodegradable bags will reduce the number of regular plastic garbage bags used daily. This action reduces a dependency on a product derived from fossil fuels thus fitting into your new plan.

Biodegradable bags are versatile and are proven to be effective by a local waste management company. I can give more details if requested. I have included a package of bags for your inspection. I hope that each of you will take one home and try it.

By adopting this request you would be setting a great example to the rest of our community and to our neighboring municipalities. Saanich is a leader in so many ways. This would simply be another example of excellent leadership.

Lana Popham

This "biobags in Saanich" idea is one that my friend Mike and I came up with the other night. Tune in for an update!

Tuesday I will be on CFAX 1070 am to discuss the banning bags topic with Joe Easingwood at 8:15am. It will be an open phone talk show so feel free to call in. 386-1161

Wednesday I will be going before the CRD Environmental Committee to have my 15 minutes in the spotlight. I will suggest that these bags are banned. I will also suggest that if that is too much to ask then maybe we could invest some money in educating the public on why these bags are a waste.

So that is what I am up to this week!

Have a sustainable day!
